Steering Committee meeting, followed by a meeting with the Hungarian ambassador on 31th January, 2023.

The Hungarian and Austriac project members arrived in Skopje on the 31th January, 2023 to participate in the 1st Steering Committee meeting to be held on the 1st February, 2023.

The previous day the Project leader Dr László Sitányi, the three component leaders Dr Krisztina Wégner, Enikő Bárdos and Erika Horváth and Tibor Nemcsek (Resident Twinning Advisor, RTA), who is going to work on the site for two years, took part in an introductory visit with Ms. Lendita Dika, the Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning of North Macedonia, who is also the counterpart Project Leader of our project as well. Presentations on the workplan, of each component has helped giving a throughout understanding of the tasks ahead.

Participants of the 1st Steering Committee (SC) meeting

After the 1st official SC meeting, the Hungarian delegation was also received in his office by Mr. András Klein, the ambassador of Hungary to North Macedonia where the Ambassador assured his help and cooperation in all issues arising from the project.

Bárdos Enikő, Horváth Erika, dr. Sitányi László, Klein András, Nemcsek Tibor, dr. Wégner Krisztina